Historic Livingston

The Historic Livingston Foundation is excited to announce that reprinted copies of Memorial Tribute to Mrs. Nancy Judson Parker are now available for sale!  Nancy Judson Parker, who lived from 1820 to 1894, was the wife of Livingston Guilderoy Parker.  This book was originally published from Livingston, Iowa by her family in an exact unknown year after her passing.  It is a collection of mostly letters of correspondence between Nancy Parker, Livingston Parker, and various other relatives while being separated from each other's company during the Civil War.  It has been the pleasant task of the Historic Livingston Foundation to have this book professionally reprinted and made available to those who would be interested.  An index, pictures, and much needed introductory information have been added to make this 200 page paperback quite a treasure!  Copies are available at the Parker-Harl Museum and a few other select locations in the area.  The cost is $10 per copy and $17.50 (book & shipping combined) if you need it shipped.  Please use the information found on the CONTACT page if you would like to order a book or if you have any questions.


- Livingston, Iowa -

Established 1854